About Gut-Research

Research group within the Tytgat Institute for Liver and Intestinal Research in Amsterdam

Intestinal health for the newborn

Service Overview

At Gut-Research, we focus on improving the intestinal health of neonates and preterm infants. Early life nutrition plays a critical role in the development of a healthy gut and the prevention of diseases later in life. Our research aims to understand the mechanisms behind neonatal gut development and how early nutrition, particularly breast milk, can protect against severe infections and long-term health risks.

Through advanced research and collaboration with leading institutions, we strive to uncover new insights that can lead to improved health outcomes for newborns, especially those at risk of complications due to premature birth or conditions like necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC).

Our Capabilities

Gut-Research offers comprehensive services dedicated to improving intestinal health in newborns. Our cutting-edge research tools and clinical expertise enable us to provide detailed insights into how early nutrition impacts gut development and immune function. Key capabilities include:

  • Early life nutrition studies: We focus on how breast milk protects neonates from infections such as pneumonia and sepsis, while reducing the risk of obesity and type II diabetes later in life. Our research also explores the protective factors in breast milk and how they influence gut development.

  • Gut microbiota analysis in neonates: We analyze the role of microbiota in early life gut development, particularly in preterm infants. Our studies focus on how imbalances in gut bacteria can lead to severe conditions like NEC and sepsis, aiming to develop interventions that support healthy microbiota development.

  • Personalized nutritional interventions: Based on our findings, we create personalized nutritional strategies to support the development of a healthy gut in neonates, particularly in those unable to breastfeed. These strategies are designed to improve gut immune homeostasis and reduce the risk of life-threatening complications.

Our research into intestinal health for the newborn is critical for understanding how early life nutrition impacts long-term health outcomes. By studying the mechanisms behind neonatal gut development, we aim to create interventions that give newborns the best possible start in life.

This innovative training program involves 10 PhD students focusing on developing biomarkers and personalized nutritional interventions for intestinal failure in neonates and preterm infants. The GROWTH project utilizes over 17,000 pre-collected fecal samples from premature infants, providing valuable insights into early intestinal development and pathogenesis. Learn more at GROWTH.
Our work is closely integrated with the KinderBuik Centrum, focusing on pediatric gastroenterology, and the EMMA Center for Personalized Medicine, where we study personalized interventions to improve intestinal health in newborns. More information can be found at KinderBuik Centrum and EMMA Center.

Partner with us in Pediatric Research

Gut-Research is dedicated to improving neonatal intestinal health through advanced research and collaboration. We invite academic institutions, healthcare providers, and industry partners to join us in developing new insights and interventions for improving gut health in newborns.

By partnering with us, you gain access to our state-of-the-art research tools, expert team, and personalized intervention strategies designed to improve outcomes for neonates. Contact us today to learn more about collaboration opportunities and how Gut-Research can support your neonatal health research projects.